1. Any employees earning at least the regional minimum wage must participate in the Tapera program with a total contribution of 3%, whereby 2.5% will be borne by the employee and 0.5% will be borne by the employer.
  2. An employee whose participation ends due to retirement or death, or who has reached 58 years of age (for independent employees) or no longer meets the criteria as a participant for 5 consecutive years, is entitled to the return of his saving plus yield.
  3. Tapera participants, who are low-income citizens, may use the Tapera funds to finance (i) home ownership, (ii) home construction or (iii) home improvement.
  4. Non-compliance with some of the Tapera program requirements will subject (i) independent employees to a written warning and (ii) employers to certain administrative sanctions (in the form of amongst others a written warning, a fine and revocation of business license).
  5. Participation in the Tapera program is required by no later than 20 May 2027.